Using bitB

Opening bitB

bitB opens with a blank canvas.  A pop-up dialog will appear if no devices exist in the bitB device list.Devices are added manually or via auto-discovery.Drawing Canvas

Drawing Canvas

The drawing canvas is where the topology maps are shown.

Device List

Devices appear in the Device List when they are added to bitB.  There are two types of Device List in bitB.

They are Basic Device List and the Advanced Device List.

Basic Device List

The Basic Device List shows the name of each device.  The name is dynamically set when the device is discovered.  For Cisco devices, the device name is the same as the hostname.

The Device name will also have the vPhysical and vLogical names appended to the device name.

Advanced Device List

The Advanced Device List has more columns of data than the Basic Device List.  You can select device by device name, vPhysical value, vLogical value, subnet or vLan.  The selections are used to determine what subnets, device and VLANS to display on the Physical and Logical Topologies.

Status Bar

The status bar is show at the bottom of the bitB window.  The status bar is used to show active process executing in bitB.  For example, when discovery is running, the status bar will show the routines used to discover the devices.  And when a topology map is displayed, the status bar will show the date and time range of the displayed data.

Menu Ribbon

This is where the functions can be easily selected.  there are four top menu items – File, Device, Map and Help.