Enable Time Interval Aggregation

Time Interval Aggregation is used to manage the size of the bitB Database. bitB will aggregate time intervals by deleting all intervals for a day, week or month depending on the Time Aggregation settings. There are three levels of aggregation keeping one interval for each time.

The following guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the aggregation of BitB Data.

Automated Time Interval Aggregation (Aggregate Time Intervals)

bitB runs a nightly task at 12:00 AM to aggregate time intervals.

  1. Aggregate data to one time interval per day for intervals older than X months

    • All time intervals older than X months are deleted from the database, except for one interval per day. bitB reviews all intervals within each day and, beginning with the first interval, searches for the earliest successful interval with the highest number of successfully polled devices. This interval is then retained in bitB.

  2. Aggregate data to one time interval per week for intervals older than X months

    • All time intervals older than X months are deleted from the database, except for one interval per week. bitB reviews all intervals within the week and, beginning with the first interval, searches for the earliest successful interval with the highest number of successfully polled devices. This interval is then retained in bitB.

  3. Aggregate data to one time interval per month for intervals older than X months

    • All time intervals older than X months are deleted from the database, except for one interval per month. bitB reviews all intervals within the month and, beginning with the first interval, searches for the earliest successful interval with the highest number of successfully polled devices. This interval is then retained in bitB.

      The aggregation process will run shrink database after deleting the intervals. The shrink process will free up space on the disk with the database.

See the following image for the location of Aggregate Time Intervals


 Instructions to Enable Automated Time Interval Aggregation

  1. Open Preferences > Settings

  2. Enable any combination of Aggregate data to one interval option. For each enabled option, enter the number of months to keep without aggregation.

  3. Select the option Enable Automated Time Interval Aggregation

  4. Select Save

  5. The settings will be used for the next Automated Time Interval Aggregation. The aggregation is scheduled for daily at 12 AM.

 How to view the time intervals to be deleted by Automated Time Interval Aggregation (Optional)

  1. After enabling Automated Time Interval Aggregation and saving your settings, restart bitB with the command line parameter ManageDatabase


  2. Once bitB starts select Admin > Manage Database


  3. Select Purge Intervals


  4. Click Select Intervals to Delete


  5. You will see a check box for each interval that will be deleted based on Aggregate Time Intervals settings.

Intervals with checkmarks may appear if they were selected using the Manual Time Interval Aggregation process.

 Instructions to manually aggregate Time Intervals

  1. Run bitB with the ManageDatabase command line parameter

    1. Copy the path of the bitB.exe and add ManageDatabase

  1. Select Manage Database under Admin

  1. Select Purge Intervals


  1. Click Select Intervals to Delete. This will show if intervals have been selected based on Aggregate data to one interval settings.

You can configure Aggregate data to one interval settings and manually delete the time intervals based on those selections.

  1. If you receive a message No Interval Found to be deleted as per the aggregate intervals settings then you can select the interval to delete and click Remove.

  1. You will receive a message showing how many intervals will be deleted. Select Yes to remove the intervals.

  2. Once the intervals are removed you will receive a message saying Selected Intervals have been removed successfully.

  3. Click Close when done.


If you have a question about how time intervals are kept, please read below.

The interval settings have been set to the below:

But, we see intervals in the same week

Weeks are from Monday to Sunday and bitB keeps the intervals with the most successful devices. The above is expected.

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