How to update the Maximum allowed content length for an IIS Website

  1. Open Server Manager



  2. Select Tools>Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager



  3. Expand the server name in the Connections tree


  4. Select Application Pools and then select bitBAPI and select Stop


  5. Expand Sites in the Connections tree


  6. Select the bitBAPI website and then click Stop


  7. Double-Click the Configuration Editor


  8. Select system.webserver and then serverRuntime


  9. If you are working with a representative from the bitB Service Desk, please take a snapshot of this page. Paste the snapshot in a comment for the bitB Service Desk issue.


  10. Change the uploadReadAheadSize value to 2147483647


  11. Click Apply to save the change


  12. Select Application Pools and then select bitBAPI and then click Start


  13. Select the bitBAPI website and then click Start


  14. Select Browse:443 (https)

  15. Once the website page comes up you can exit IIS and test the bitB Client


  16. If the Webpage doesn’t come up properly, repeat steps 17 and 18 and select Recycle for the bitBAPI Pool and Restart for the bitBAPI website.