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  1. Download the bitBInstaller

    1. MarkP 27feb25 - check if this is current - which version

  2. Next, execute the bitBInstaller.exe

  3. If you are an administrator on the local system, you will be prompted to allow the application to make changes on the local system.

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  4. If you are not an administrator on the local system, you will receive the same prompt, but you will need to enter administrator credentials to continue.

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  5. Accept the terms of the License Agreement.


6. The User Experience Settings are optional. You can opt in by leaving the boxes checked or opt out by unchecking.Image Removed


7. Click Next to view the prerequisites list.


(lightbulb)Note: If you have SQL Server installed, the first box will be grayed out. You will still have the option to install SQL Management Studio which is recommended. It is not required but can be used to perform maintenance on the bitB database or to execute queries against the database.Select Next and see step 12.Image Removed


9. Select Next

10. The installer will configure bitB.


11. You will then see SQL Server Express 2017 installing.

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12. Once SQL Server has been installed, proceed with the bitB installation. Image Removed


13. bitB will be installed in Program Files\QoS Networking\bitB bitB.


14. This dialog is used to configure the MS SQL Server settings. The default is Trusted Connection and should work for all installations where the user has local admin privileges on the local system. Image Removed


(lightbulb)Note: If SQL Server standard is installed, you will see the name of the instance under Local Server. If the instance is located on another server, check Network Server and enter the Server and Instance Name. Enter the SA credentials to allow bitB to write to the DB.


15. The bitB installer will attempt a connection to the Microsoft SQL Server.

16. If the Microsoft SQL Server is detected and accessible


you will


be presented with this screen. Select Install and skip to step 18.

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17. If no Microsoft SQL Server is available,


the installation will rollback. Please reach out to for further assistance.

18. Once Microsoft SQL Server is installed, the bitB Installer will configure bitB


. No action is needed.


19. You can uncheck the Show Log checkbox and click Finish to complete the bitB installation.

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20. You will now have a bitB shortcut in the Start Menu.

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21. Select bitB.

22. You will see bitB initializing.




23. This is a standalone installation, select Apply License.

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24. Enter the email address that will be used to register the software. Then, copy the registration key and send an email to along with the email used to register. 

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25. A license file will be provided to you. Select Have License File? and apply the file.


 26. Select Apply and you should see successful activation. Click OK.

(lightbulb)Note: If you run into any issues with the installation, please send an email to


27. bitB will open and you are now ready to discover your network! 
